Select Publications


  • Schenkel, K., Brownell, C. J., & Wargo, J. M. (accepted). Children communicating care through curiosity walks:  Using scientific practices to cultivate knowledge about climate justice. Science & Children.

  • Brownell, C. J. (in press). “On the air with…”: Boosting youth-DJs speculative civic literacies on broadcast radio. Voices from the Middle.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2023). Constructing (ad)ventures in collaborative composing: Examining a case of (un)sanctioned play in the elementary literacies classroom. The Reading Teacher, 76(5), 631-639.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2023). Inventing expert in English language arts: A case study of critical literacies in a third grade classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 23(2), 213–343.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2023). (Re)Sounding children’s worlds: Making the case for methods that tune in. In H. S. Yoon, A L. Goodwin, & C. Genishi (Eds.), Reimagining diversity, equity, and justice in early childhood education (pp. 109-122). Routledge. 

  • Brownell, C. J. (2022). “COVID Taught Me…”: Examining child–radio productions in the COVID–19 pandemic. Children & Society. Advanced online publication.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2022). Navigating play in a pandemic: Examining children’s outdoor neighborhood play experiences. International Journal of Play, 11(1), 99-113.

  • Brownell, C. J., & Parks, A. N. (2022). When the clips are down: How young children negotiate a classroom management system. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 53(1), 5–26.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2022). Writing rights to right wrongs: A critical analysis of young children composing nationalist narratives as part of the larger body politic. AERA Open, 8(1), 1–13.

  • Brownell, C. J., & Wong, D. (2021). Troubling state (of) affairs: A critical analysis of a state-approved elementary field trip. Journal of Social Studies Research. Advance online publication.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2021). Children’s rhetoric in an era of (im) migration: Examining critical literacies using a cultural rhetorics orientation in the elementary classroom. Research in the Teaching of English, 55(3), 265-288.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2021). Writing as a Minecrafter: Exploring how children blur worlds of play in the elementary English language arts classroom. Teachers College Record. 123(3).

  • Brownell, C. J. (2021). Disentangling the possibilities, practicalities, and progressions of writing in the contemporary (digital) era. Theory Into Practice.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2021). Playing through tragedy: A critical approach to welcoming children’s social worlds and play as pedagogy. Bank Street Occasional Papers, 2021(45). Retrieved from

  • Wargo, J. M., Brownell, C. J., & Oliveira, G. (2021). Sound, sentience, and schooling: Writing the field recording in educational ethnography. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 52(3), 315-334.


  • Brownell, C. J., & Wargo, J. M. (2021). Writing to transform: Promoting personal digital inquiry through cultivating critical literacy. Literacy Today (Newark, Del.), 39(2), 60-61.

  • Brownell, C. J. & Sheridan, D. M. (2021). Orienting our ears to creativity and community literacies: Examining adult-produced field recordings to understand culture in a living-learning community. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 64(4), 464-467.

Interested in reading more? Visit my page on or ResearchGate.

Interested in reading more? Visit my page on ResearchGate, or access a copy of my current CV.

Recent Invited Keynotes and Plenaries:

  • Brownell, C. J. (2023, November 24–25). Children’s radio productions. [Invited keynote address]. Understanding COVID-19: Children and young people in pandemic times, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2023, September 20). STEAM education, active learning, and climate change. [Invited keynote panelist]. Cultivating STEAM thinkers: Linking policy, research, and practice, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

  • Brownell, C. J., Wargo, J. M., & Schenkel, K. (2023, March 18–21). Stories of environmental stewardship: Communicating nature-culture relations through guided interdisciplinary inquiry [Invited panel]. 2023 American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States of America.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2022, April 1). Multimodal learning the in the pandemic era: Challenges and opportunities [Invited plenary session]. The 13th China Education Symposium presented by the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2021, October 6–8). World visions on literacy and transdiscipline [Invited plenary session]. 2nd International Literacy Congress presented by the Transdisciplinary Literacy Institute (ITRALI), Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2021, October). World visions on literacy and transdiscipline. Invited keynote panelist for the 2nd International Literacy Congress presented by the Transdisciplinary Literacy Institute (ITRALI), Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, JA, México.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2020, February). Creating Humanizing Research Collaborations and Narratives While Working Together with Communities. Invited keynote panelist for 2020 National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research Midwinter Conference.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2019, May). Exploring early digital literacy practices and creativity in early childhood classrooms. Invited keynote for Makerspaces for Young Learners: Exploring Digital Technology through STEAM Education, a SSHRC Connections Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2019, March). Tracing Intertextual Connections in Multimodal Composing: A Case Study of a Young Child’s Filmmaking in the Early Childhood Classroom. Invited keynote for Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies: An International Conference hosted by the MakEY Project, a Horizon 2020 European Funding for Research & Innovation (RISE) recipient. Sheffield, U.K.

Select Recent Refereed Conference Presentations:

  • Brownell, C. J. (2022, April 22–25). COVID–19 teaching stories: A critical analysis of narratives of teaching during a pandemic. [Paper presentation]. Division: K (Teaching and Teacher Education). Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California, United States.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2021, November 19-21). Inquiry into (im)migration: A case study examining how children craft a stance on critical social issues [Virtual paper presentation]. One-hundred-first annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

  • Brownell, C. J. & Wong, D. (2021, November 19-21). Day at the museum: Indigenous representation in early social studies re-examined [Virtual paper presentation]. One-hundred-first annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. 

  • Brownell, C. J. (2021, November 18-21). Learning to ‘Be Loud’ through radio broadcasting: Examining how children use digital literacies to amplify community stories [Virtual paper presentation]. Annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Louisville, Kentucky, United States.

  • Brownell, C. J. (2021, April 8-12). Dissonant by design: Examining dual-lens video in qualitative research [Virtual paper presentation]. Division: D (Measurement & Research Methodologies). Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Orlando, Florida, United States.

  • Brownell, C. J., & Rashid, A. (2021, April 8-12). Cultivating a critical curriculum through children’s literature: Examining conversations about race & equity in the early childhood classroom [Virtual paper presentation]. Special Interest Group: Social Studies. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Orlando, Florida, United States.

For a complete list of conference presentations, please download my CV.


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